thyssenkrupp is a German multinational company that offers products and services in various industries, such as automotive, construction, chemicals, energy, aerospace, and shipbuilding Learn more about its sustainability and thyssenkrupp is a German group of companies with around 100,000 employees and €38 billion sales in 2022/2023 It operates in five segments: Automotive Technology, Decarbon Technologies, Materials Services, Steel Europe and The company thyssenkruppLearn about the origins and evolution of ThyssenKrupp AG, the result of the merger of two German industrial giants in 1999 Explore the logos, the founding families, the corporate archives and the contact informationHistory thyssenkruppKrupp AG was a leading global manufacturer of steel, armaments, and industrial machinery until 1999, when it merged with Thyssen AG Founded in 1811 by Friedrich Krupp, the company Krupp AG German Industrial Conglomerate Britannica
Krupp: A History of the Legendary German Firm Oxford
2013年1月9日 Friedrich Krupp founded the company in 1811 in the city of Essen, but he had to struggle with numerous problems in the production process and with severe financial strains 阿尔弗雷德克虏伯(Alfried Krupp,1812年4月26日1887年7月14日)德国实业家,闻名天下的火炮大王。 以发展和全世界销售铸钢火炮和其他武器而著称。 他从1847年开始领导克虏伯制造厂生产军械,把一个接近破产的小厂发展成世界 阿尔弗雷德克虏伯 百度百科3 天之前 Learn how Krupp, a steel and arms maker, shaped and reflected the history of modern Germany from the nineteenth century to the present This book by Harold James offers a balanced and insightful account of the company's Krupp: A History of the Legendary German FirmFrom 1587 to 1968, members of the Krupp dynasty, the world’s largest manufacturers of armament and ammunition, dominated the German city of EssenWhen the drums of German conquest rolled in 1870, 1914, and 1939, it Krupp family Students Britannica Kids
知乎 有问题,就会有答案
知乎 有问题,就会有答案Friedrich Krupp AG HoeschKrupp (formerly FriedKrupp AG and Friedrich Krupp GmbH) trading as Krupp, was the largest company in Europe at the beginning of the 20th century as well as Germany's premier weapons manufacturer during both world warsIt produced battleships, Uboats, tanks, howitzers, guns, utilities, and hundreds of other commoditiesThe company also Krupp Wikiwand古斯塔夫克虏伯(Gustav Krupp von Bohlen und Halbach,1870年8月7日荷兰海牙——1950年1月16日奥地利萨尔茨堡),德国垄断资本家、军火制造商。古斯塔夫克虏伯生于荷兰海牙一银行家家庭。1906年与贝塔克虏伯(BerthaKrupp,1886—1957)结婚,进入克虏伯家族。次世界大战期间,继承岳父之产业权 古斯塔夫克虏伯 百度百科2024年10月19日 Krupp è una dinastia tedesca originaria di Essen, che divenne famosa per la produzione di acciaio e per le fabbriche di munizioni e armi L'azienda di famiglia, meglio nota come Friedrich Krupp AG HoeschKrupp, nel 1999 si è fusa con la Thyssen AG dando vita alla ThyssenKrupp, Krupp Wikipedia
Krupp: A History of the Legendary German Firm Oxford
2012年2月26日 Krupp founded a small steel mill in 1811, which established the basis for one of the largest and most important companies in the world by the end of the century Famously loyal to its highly paid workers, it rejected an exclusive focus on profit, but the company also played a central role in the armament of Nazi Germany and the firm's head was 2023年10月30日 A krupp a gégét és a légutakat érintő gyulladásos betegség, mely elsősorban gyermekeket érint, de időnként felnőtteknél is előfordulhat A krupp jellemző tünetei közé tartozik a rekedt hang, az orrdugulás, a köhögés és a sípoló légzés A krupp kivizsgálása és kezelése a Fülorrgégészeti KözpontbanKrupp Fülorrgége KözpontThyssen Krupp merge to become Thyssen Krupp AG on March 17, 1999 The new logo combines the established identifying elements: the Thyssen arch the Krupp rings Read more The founding families Friedrich Krupp Alfred Krupp August Thyssen Friedrich Alfred Margarethe KruppHistory thyssenkrupp1 天前 Familie Gustav Krupp von Bohlen und Halbach 1928 – v l: die Kinder Berthold, Irmgard, Alfried, Harald, davor Waldtraut und Eckbert, dann folgen die Eltern Bertha und Gustav Krupp von Bohlen und Halbach, rechts Sohn Claus Krupp ist der Name einer deutschen Familiendynastie unter anderem von Industriellen, die seit dem 16 Jahrhundert nachweisbar ist und die in Krupp (Familie) – Wikipedia
Steel from thyssenkrupp
4 天之前 Industries We serve a wide range of industries internationally, including the automotive, appliance, packaging, and energy sectors Our innovations and highquality steel products are suitable for the most demanding applications 2018年5月18日 Krupp >The Krupp family was a German dynasty of industrialists The Krupps started >the first major steelworks in Germany in 1811, and their enterprise >expanded rapidly to become one of the world's largest companies and >Germany's leading supplier of armamentsKrupp EncyclopediaSince the midnineteenth century, the Krupp works had served as one of the greatest symbols of the German arms industry During the Second World War, the firm had played an important role in the production of artillery, tanks, and The Destroyed and Demolished Krupp Works in We share our knowledge, combine it and use it to create something new – across companies, industries, and countries Our business activities benefit from the fact that we in our Group network think and work on a crosscompany, crossfunctional basis "together Company
阿尔弗雷德克虏伯 百度百科
阿尔弗雷德克虏伯(Alfried Krupp,1812年4月26日1887年7月14日)德国实业家,闻名天下的火炮大王。以发展和全世界销售铸钢火炮和其他武器而著称。他从1847年开始领导克虏伯制造厂生产军械,把一个接近破产的小厂发展成世界的军工联合体。3 天之前 Krupp founded a small steel mill in 1811, which established the basis for one of the largest and most important companies in the world by the end of the century Famously loyal to its highly paid workers, it rejected an exclusive focus on profit, but the company also played a central role in the armament of Nazi Germany and the firm's head was Krupp: A History of the Legendary German Firm2003年3月4日 Krupp's cannons and Prussian tactics change the military landscape dramatically There is little in the book about the first world war Most of the content during these times is Alfred arming every nation he can, which sometimes leads him into conflict with Kaiser Wilhelm I and II But the Kaisers embrace Krupp and usually submit to their requestsThe Arms of Krupp: The Rise and Fall of the Industrial Orsaker till krupp: Orsaken till krupp är vanligtvis en virusinfektion, särskilt parainfluensavirus Krupp kan vara mild till måttlig och kan ofta hanteras hemma med fuktig luft (till exempel genom att ta barnet ut i kall luft eller sitta med dem i ett ångfyllt badrum) och ibland kortikosteroidläkemedel som minskar svullnaden i luftvägarnaKrupp Orsaker, symtom och rådgivning Testmottagningen
The founding families thyssenkrupp
Friedrich Krupp (July 17, 1787 October 8, 1826), Therese Krupp (August 28, 1790 August 3, 1850) The first records of the Krupp family in Essen date back to 1587 Members of the family generally pursue careers in commerce and local government Friedrich Krupp, whose father died in 1795, only attends grammar school up to the age of 14 before Krupp, tysk industrikoncern der i 1999 fusionerede med Thyssenkoncernen til ThyssenKrupp AG Koncernen omfattede interesser inden for kul og jernminer, højovne og stålværker, motor, maskin, skibs og brobygning samt produktion af våben og jernbanematerielKrupp – Lex Den Store DanskeWe share our knowledge, combine it and use it to create something new – across companies, industries, and countries Our business activities benefit from the fact that we in our Group network think and work on a crosscompany, cross The company thyssenkruppWhether it’s passenger transportation solutions or materials for stateoftheart architecture – with our innovative products we are helping shape the cities of tomorrowthyssenkrupp(China)
Krupp – Wikipedia
2024年10月20日 Krupp on merkittävä saksalainen teollisuussuku EssenistäKrupp tunnetaan erityisesti teräksen, aseiden ja ammusten valmistuksesta Perheen yritys tunnettiin pitkään nimellä Friedrich Krupp AGYritys fuusioitui Thyssen AG:n kanssa vuonna 1999 muodostaen ThyssenKrupp AGmonialayrityksen, joka on Saksan viidenneksi suurin yritys ja maailman Discover technologies for the decarbonization of industry, solutions for the digitalization of supply chains and processes, and for the mobility of tomorrowengineeringtomorrowtogether thyssenkrupp2024年8月23日 18세기 말, 영국에서 최초로 주강(鑄鋼) 기술이 발명되었으나 산업의 우위를 지키기 위해 제조법은 비밀에 부쳐졌다 1810년, 프리드리히 크루프(Friedrich Krupp; 1787년 ~1826년)는 영국이 독점하고 있던 주강 기술을 밝히는 것에 뜻을 두었고, 에센에서 강철 주물(鑄物) 공장을 세우면서 크루프 가문의 금속 크루프 나무위키The history of Krupp is the history of modern Germany No company symbolized the best and worst of that history more than the famous steel and arms maker In thKrupp: A History of the Legendary German Firm on JSTOR
Krupp Hrvatska enciklopedija
Krupp [krup], njemački industrijski koncern sa sjedištem u Essenu Osnivač je poduzeća Friedrich K Krupp (1787–1826), koji je 1811 u Essenu otvorio malu ljevaonicu Njegov sin Alfred (1812–87) uveo je mnogobrojne novine u proizvodnji čelika, a vrtoglavi porast proizvodnje tumači se velikim ulaganjima u izgradnji željezničke mrežeSix Power and Deglobalization: Gustav and Alfried Krupp von Bohlen und Halbach Notes Notes Seven Reglobalization: Alfried Krupp von Bohlen und Halbach and Berthold Beitz Notes Notes Collapse End Matter Collapse Appendix 1: Family Tree Notes Notes Appendix 2: Krupp: A History of the Legendary German Firm Oxford 2024年10月20日 Fried Krupp AG, comumente conhecida como Krupp, é um antigo conglomerado industrial multinacional alemão do setor siderúrgico, tendo se destacado na produção de aço, armas, munições e equipamentos Durante a Revolução Industrial, a empresa enriqueceu com a expansão das ferrovias e a fabricação de armas e, depois, entre outras Krupp AG – Wikipédia, a enciclopédia livreFamiliegeld Krupp er doorheen gejaagd De familie Krupp begon in Essen als handelaar in koloniale goederen Twee eeuwen later gaat Friedrich Krupp met het geld van de familie staal ontwikkelen En in 1811 wordt Krupp opgericht De familiegeschiedenis van Krupp in Essen
Krupp tünetei és kezelése Házipatika
2005年6月10日 A krupp jellemzően a csecsemők és a kisgyermekek betegsége, ugyanis minél fiatalabb a gyermek, annál kisebb keresztmetszetűek légutai, márpedig az egészen szűk légutakat az erőteljes kruppos nyálkahártyaduzzanat nagyon gyorsan képes beszűkíteni2 天之前 Krupp kialakulásának okai A krupp kialakulásáért légúti vírusok felelősek A betegség cseppfertőzéssel, köhögéssel, tüsszentéssel, fertőzött tárgyak közvetítésével terjed A gége gyulladása nyálkahártyaduzzanathoz vezet, ami légúti szűkületet eredményezhetKrupp tünetei Egészségvonal2018年4月20日 By the third year of the Great War, Krupp was producing 9,000,000 shells and 3,000 cannon—every month, including monsters like “Big Bertha,” the famous, enormous howitzer Krupp also produced ships and submarines, and so was involved in nearly every area of war technologyThe Arms of Krupp 1587–1968 (William Manchester) The Friedrich Krupp (17871826), Mitglied einer alten Essener Kaufmannsfamilie, gründet am 20 November 1811 mit zwei Teilhabern eine Fabrik zur Herstellung von Gussstahl nach englischen Qualitätsmaßstäben und den daraus angefertigten Produkten Seit 1816 stellt er, inzwischen Alleininhaber, hochwertigen Gussstahl her und verarbeitet ihn zu Krupp Gründung und Frühzeit thyssenkrupp
Krupp – orsak, symtom och behandling Doktorse
Krupp kallas även för viruskrupp, men tidigare kallades sjukdomen för falsk krupp eller pseudokrupp Att sjukdomen kallades falsk krupp var för att särskilja den från äkta krupp, difteri, som orsakas av difteribakterien Difteri är mycket ovanligt i Sverige i dag på grund av god hygien och allmänna vaccinationer Symtom vid krupp1 天前 KruppWerke in Essen 1864 Zerspanende Werkstatt um 1900 Im Schützengraben schießen Soldaten durch vorbereitete Löcher in KruppMetallplatten (1915) 5%Teilschuldverschreibung über 1000 Mark der Fried Krupp AG vom 15 Februar 1921 Die Vorgeschichte der Fried Krupp AG begann Anfang des 19 Jahrhunderts mit der Herstellung Friedrich Krupp AG – Wikipedia